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Our #NotInMyCity movement continues to grow across the country. On June 19, 2019 we announced that Edmonton International Airport has joined us as a partner in our efforts to end human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of our children and youth. We are thrilled that EIA has taken the huge step to be on the right side of history and take a public and proactive stand against this issue. Travelers through Edmonton International Airport will now see the iconic yellow rose throughout the airport, including on their large in-terminal digital screens, space that was generously donated by Pattison. EIA will also be involved with training and educational programs for frontline staff to help spot signs of traffickers and victims, and what to do about it.
Thank you to the City of Calgary and Calgary Transit for your help in raising awareness throughout the city that sexual exploitation and sex trafficking is not okay.
The yellow rose is the universal emblem of the #NotInMyCity movement. It represents hope and new beginnings, and we share the yellow rose everywhere we can to demonstrate that we stand in solidarity with those affected by sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. The yellow rose is proudly displayed in the washrooms at the The Calgary International Airport, and informational posters are displayed at arrivals and baggage claim area. Together, we will create additional awareness and education among guests on human trafficking, and take a visible stance to show that it is not acceptable at the airport, within Calgary, or anywhere in Canada.
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