
Interactive E-learning Course

In collaboration with national and international thought leaders, #NotInMyCity has developed a short, interactive e-learning course “Mobilizing Communities to Disrupt Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking in Canada”.

This course is free, and available to everyone. Upon completion of the 30-minute course you will be awarded a certificate.

Additional Resources

Human Trafficking Indicators - School

Human Trafficking Indicators - How You Can Take Action

Human Trafficking Indicators - Aviation

Human Trafficking Indicators - Commercial Trucking​
Human Trafficking Indicators - Hotels
Human Trafficking Indicators - Shelter

Additional Resources in French

Signes à surveiller dans les écoles
Ce que vous pouvez faire
Signes à surveiller dans le secteur de l'aviation
Signes à surveiller dans le secteur du camionnage commercial
Signes à surveiller dans les hôtels
Signes à surveiller dans les refuges

Additional Resources in Indigenous Languages

Awareness Video (Part 1 of 2)
Comment la Traite des Êtres Humains se produit-elle?
Mettre fin à la Traite des Êtres Humains en 4 Étapes

Frequently Asked Questions

This 30-minute course will provide a solid foundation of understanding on the issue of human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Canada. This course heavily focuses on sex trafficking, as it is the most prevalent form of trafficking in Canada. You will learn about:

  • What human trafficking is
  • Human trafficking and the law in Canada 
  • A description of child exploitation 
  • How and where human trafficking happens
  • Common indicators of human trafficking
  • How you can help and take action 

Anyone can create an account and take this course for free.

Click on the learning link above that says “Take the Course Now”. Click the option to “Sign up here” below the “Login” button. Enter your information and create a password, and click “Register”. Once you are taken to the Learning Link homepage, you can click on the course title and begin the course. 

Choose “Other”. You can let us know what industry is missing by emailing support@notinmycity.ca

If you can’t login to your account, reset your password by clicking the option to “Reset it here” below the “Login” button. You will receive an email with a new password to access your account. Return to the Login page and enter your new password. If the problem persists please send an email to support@notinmycity.ca with your account details. Please note it may take 1-3 business days for our support team to address your email. 

Human trafficking is happening in every rural and urban community across Canada right now. By taking this course, you can help increase community awareness of the issue, and be prepared to identify possible human trafficking situations. Upon completion you will receive a certificate to acknowledge your initiative.

The course will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. You do not have to finish this course in one sitting. Feel free to exit the page and return to it at any time. When you re-enter the course, you will be taken to the most recent page viewed, or you can access recent pages by clicking the menu icon on the top right of the page. If you do not finish the course you will not receive your certificate. 

When you complete this course, a pop-up box will notify you of your certificate earned – click on this box to access your certificate! You can also click the menu bar on the top right of the page and click on “User Dashboard”. Click on the “Earned” tab to access the certificate. You can print your certificate with the printer icon on the top left. You can save your certificate by clicking the printer icon and selecting the option to “Save as PDF.” 

If you have questions, require assistance, or would like to provide feedback on this course please email support@notinmycity.ca.  

Once you’ve completed this course, please share the learning link notinmycitylearning.ca with your friends, family and coworkers, and post the link to your social media channels. You can Be An Ally by: